The nEDM experiment at the Spallation Neutron Source
- Designing electrode profiles with the equipotential method
W. Wei
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W. Wei
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 47, 125101 (2020) - Design and implementation of a non-magnetic cryogenic multi-conductor vacuum feedthrough
V. Cianciolo, J. Ramsey and L. Fabris
(To be published, 2018) - Performance of a large diameter evaporator to suppress superfluid helium film
D. H. Beck, M. Busch, B. W. Filippone, H. Gao, M. E. Hayden, J. Maxwell, T. Rao, G. M. Seidel, I. F. Silvera, E. Tsentalovich , S. E. Williamson, W. Yao , Q. Ye , W. Zheng, X. Zhu
(To be published, 2018) - A high-precision cryogenic NMR systematics and operation studies (SOS) apparatus with polarized ultracold neutrons and polarized 3He co-located in a superuid helium bath
K. K. H. Leung, E. Korobkina, R. Alarcon, C. Barrow, L. Barron-Palos, L. Bartoszek, I. Berkutov, P.-H. Chu, V. Cianciolo, C. Crawford, R. Dipert, B. W. Filippone, H. Gao, R. Golub, D. Haase, A. I. Hawari, P. R. Huffman, W. Korsch, A. Lipman, B. Plaster, A. Reid, C. M. Swank, C. White, and A. R. Young
(To be Published, 2018) - Cavallo's multiplier for in situ generation of high voltage
Steven M. Clayton, Takeyasu M. Ito, John C. Ramsey, Wanchun Wei, Marie A. Blatnik, Bradley W. Filippone, George M. Seidel
(To be Published, 2018) - Cryogenic magnetic coil and superconducting magnetic shield for neutron electric dipole moment searches
Slutsky, S.; Swank, C. M.; Biswas, A.; Carr, R.; Escribano, J.; Filippone, B. W.; Griffith, W. C.; Mendenhall, M.; Nouri, N.; Osthelder, C.; Galvan, A. Perez; Picker, R.; Plaster, B.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 862, 36-48 (2017) - Geometry and design of origami bellows with tunable response
Reid, Austin; Lechenault, Frederic; Rica, Sergio; Adda-Bedia, Mokhtar
Physical Reivew E 95, 013002 (2017) - Elementary quantum mechanics of the neutron with an electric dipole moment
Baym, Gordon; Beck, D. H.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113, 7438-7442 (2016) - Random walks with thermalizing collisions in bounded regions: Physical applications valid from the ballistic to diffusive regimes
Swank, C. M.; Petukhov, A. K.; Golub, R.
Physical Review A 93, 062703 (2016) - An apparatus for studying electrical breakdown in liquid helium at 0.4 K and testing electrode materials for the neutron electric dipole moment experiment at the Spallation Neutron Source
Ito, T. M.; Ramsey, J. C.; Yao, W.; Beck, D. H.; Cianciolo, V.; Clayton, S. M.; Crawford, C.; Currie, S. A.; Filippone, B. W.; Griffith, W. C.; Makela, M.; Schmid, R.; Seidel, G. M.; Tang, Z.; Wagner, D.; Wei, W. ; Williamson, S. E.
Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 045113 (2016) - Geometric phases in electric dipole searches with trapped spin-1/2 particles in general fields and measurement cells of arbitrary shape with smooth or rough walls
Golub, R.; Kaufman, C.; Muller, G.; Steyerl, A.
Physical Review A 92, 062123 (2015) - A prototype vector magnetic field monitoring system for a neutron electric dipole moment experiment
N. Nouri, A. Biswas, M. A. Brown, R. Carr, B. Filippone, C. Osthelder, B. Plaster, S. Slutsky, C. Swank
Journal of Instrumentation, 10, P12003 (2015) - Frequency shifts and relaxation rates for spin-1/2 particles moving in electromagnetic fields
Pignol, G.; Guigue, M.; Petukhov, A.; Golub, R.
Physical Review A 92, 053407 (2015) - Simultaneous pi/2 rotation of two spin species of different gyromagnetic ratios
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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 795, 128-131 (2015) - Transport in ultra-dilute solutions of He-3 in superfluid He-4
Baym, Gordon; Beck, D. H.; Pethick, C. J.
Physical Review B 92, 024504 (2015) - Tests of a SQUID-based He-3 co-magnetometer readout for a neutron EDM experiment
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Korobkina, E.; Medlin, G.; Wehring, B.; Hawari, A. I.; Huffman, P. R.; Young, A. R.; Beaumont, B.; Palmquist, G.
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Physical Review A 89, 052129 (2014) - High voltage in noble liquids for high energy physics
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Q. Ye, D. Dutta, H. Gao, K. Kramer, X. Qian, X. Zong, L. Hannelius, R. McKeown , B. Heyburn, S. Singer, R. Golub, E. Korobkina, Phys. Rev. A 77, 053408 (2008) - "Precision polarimetry with real-time mitigation of optical-window birefringence"
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S. K. Lamoreaux, G. Archibald, P. D. Barnes, W. T. Buttler, D. J. Clark, M. D. Cooper, M. Espy, G. L. Greene, R. Golub, M. E. Hayden, C. Lei, L. J. Marek, J.-C. Peng and S. Penttila, Europhys. Lett. 82, 39901 (2008). - Comment on "Measurement of the 3He mass diffusion coefficient in superfluid 4He over the 0.45-0.95 K temperature range"
S.K Lamoreaux and R. Golub, arXiv:0804.1506v1.